It’s a shame, but the United Kingdom had its reasons for leaving this UE

Of course we hope that Great Britain and  European Union will find a trade agreement by the new year’s deadline: in the age of globalization, duties and customs sound like something anachronistic, or at least like something you can do without… But we also hope that threats and blackmail will end, because even those do not benefit anyone. We are convinced that if the European Union had better protected the interests of the United Kingdom in recent years – and above all had better protected the interests of all European countries in general – Brexit would never have happened. The European Union in recent years has proved to be inefficient, undemocratic and not very courageous, perennially focused on financial aspects and perpetually distracted with regard to the real problems of European citizens.

The most striking example of this inefficiency and distraction (but certainly not the only one) can be found in matters of immigration and security. If after Schengen people were able to move freely within the borders of the European Union, we must sarcastically acknowledge that the external borders have become very similar, not to say that they are simply a sieve. Everyone knows that a cheap trick is enough, simulating a shipwreck with a makeshift small boat – or even being brought to the shores of Southern Europe for a fee by smugglers – and then asking for international protection and political refuge to stay in Europe. Even when the request is clearly unfounded (that is, in 99% of cases) and is refused, these fake refugees and fake castaways, as it is known, do not even think leaving, and remain in Europe in hiding and illegality. Very often, without wasting time, women engage in prostitution and men in drug dealing and theft. They are systematic phenomena. Among these thousands of people who enter the European Union without any document, no selection and no control – as unfortunately we have also recently seen – there are also terrorists and people who hate the West. In short, in the vast majority of cases they are people who come to join the ranks of crime or even to sow death and destruction.

African states have no desire to take back these illegal emigrants: partly because they are often people who are better to lose than to find (with a dirty criminal record); partly because in Africa they know that sooner or later those emigrants will send a part of the money made in Europe with legal and illegal activities to their countries of origin and thus will help their economy. In theory the European Union would  be able to force African states to take them back once the asylum application is refused (threatening economic sanctions, blocking cooperation aid, blocking regular visas from those countries to Europe) but instead it does absolutely nothing. Immigrants and traffickers know this and the game continues. We have talked about crime and security, two important topics indeed, yet European bureaucrats and rulers do not care at all and do not protect European citizens. Evidently they are too busy with more important things than crime and security…

On the other hand, this European Union was born for something else: to benefit and protect the interests of the continent’s economic-financial elites, and therefore the accounts balance. Perhaps not everyone had these plans in mind from the beginning, we want to think that not everyone wanted from the beginning to betray the idea and the dream of the first European federalists. Perhaps some have simply thought of using those economic interests as a means to achieve the goal of political union, and that would be acceptable. But then it must be acknowledged that the means has turned into a goal and the spirit of the founders has completely dissolved. The European Union is rightly regarded with suspicion by ordinary European citizens because they feel and see that their problems are not the subject of the thoughts and actions of the bureaucrats living in Brussels. Another reason for this diffidence may lie in the clear de facto supremacy of Germany in the Union. For example, we think that many Brits are happy to leave the European Union because they are not willing to suffer the leadership of a country defeated in World War II and still today – for various reasons – not viewed with sympathy.

The European bureaucrats who often scream sternly with European citizens (woe to those who do not respect the size of cucumbers, woe to those who do not adapt to the production quotas established in Brussels, etc.), then suddenly become submissive and even cowards with those who, by nature and habit, yell more than them. Sultan Erdogan just needs to call Brussels with the usual blackmail or threat to be immediately heard and at least partially supported. Do Europeans need such bureaucrats? Aggressive or careless towards the citizens who finance them (and who they should protect) and cowards with the dictator on duty? No, the British citizens replied. And if the European Union does not change, we believe that soon more and more Europeans will have the temptation to think the same thing.
